These are establishments that sell beef directly to the consumer. They must have policies for a responsible purchase and require slaughterhouses (from whom they buy it) to prove compliance with these rules. The main goal is for supermarkets to be able to guarantee that the beef they sell to consumers has not caused deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon during its entire production cycle
In order to answer the questionnaire on the efficiency of its beef purchasing policies, Radar Verde invited 69 supermarkets, including the 50 largest nationwide (according to the 2022 ranking of the Associação Brasileira de Supermercados – Abras), and 19 local retailers located in the Brazilian Amazon.
The result of the Radar Verde indicator will show to what extent supermarket policies are solid and capable of guaranteeing socioenvironmental monitoring of every link in the beef production chain.
Please find below the list with all the 69 supermarkets and check if your company is among them:





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